Plynné planety > Jupiter > Názvosloví Io

Názvosloví Io

Náhorní plošina (Planum)

Jméno              Šířka   Délka    Průměr  CT  ET  MAP     QUAD      AS    AD  REF  FT  Původ

Argos Planum      47,0S  318,2W      140,0  EU  GR  I1491   JI02       5  1985   19  PM  Where Io was captured by
Danube Planum     20,9S  258,7W      150,0  EU  GR  I1550   JI03       5  1985   19  PM  Where Io passed by in her
Dodona Planum     56,8S  352,9W      390,0  EU  GR  I1549   JI04       5  1979   19  PM  Greek; where Io went
                                                                                         after the death of
Ethiopia Planum   44,9S   27,0W      105,0  AF  ET  I1491   JI02       5  1985   19  PM  Where Io passed by in her
Hybristes         54,0S   21,1W      150,0  EU  GR  I1549   JI04       5  1985   19  PM  Where Io passed by in her
Planum                                                                                   wanderings.
Iopolis Planum    34,5S  333,5W      125,0  EU  GR  I1491   JI02       5  1985   19  PM  Town where Io was
                                                                                         worshipped as moon
                                                                                         goddess (present-day
Lyrcea Planum     40,3S  269,3W      310,0  EU  GR  I1550   JI03       5  1985   19  PM  Plain where Io was born.
Nemea Planum      73,3S  275,5W      500,0  EU  GR  I1549   JI04       5  1979   19  PM  Greek; where Io was
                                                                                         turned into a cow by Zeus
                                                                                         and given to Hera.

Stránka byla naposledy editována 15. ledna 2010 v 19:41.
Stránka byla od 15. 1. 2010 zobrazena 2761krát.

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