Názvosloví Ganymedes
Jméno Šířka Délka Průměr CT ET MAP QUAD AS AD REF FT Původ Akitu Sulcus 39,0N 197,0W 380,0 AS AB JG-4 5 1997 1 SU Where Marduk's statue was carried each year. Anshar Sulcus 21,5N 202,9W 1181,0 AS AB I1242 PRELIM 5 1979 1 SU Assyro-Babylonian; celestial-world home of Lakhmu and Lakhamu. Apsu Sulci 34,8S 235,5W 1281,0 AS SU I1817 JG13 5 1979 1 SU Sumero-Akkadian; primordial ocean. Aquarius Sulcus 50,0N 11,5W 1341,0 EU GR I1242 PRELIM 5 1979 19 SU Greek; Zeus set Ganymede among the stars as the constellation of Aquarius, the water carrier. Arbela Sulcus 22,3S 353,6W 1896,0 AS AB I1650 JG10 5 1985 1 SU Assyrian town where Ishtar was worshipped. Bubastis Sulci 79,8S 263,1W 2197,0 AF EG I1860 JG-15 5 1988 1 SU Town in Egypt where Bast was worshipped. Byblus Sulcus 38,0N 202,0W 600,0 AS PO JG-4 5 1997 83 SU Ancient Phoenecian city where Adonis was worshipped. Dardanus Sulcus 39,3S 20,2W 2559,0 EU GR I1242 PRELIM 5 1979 1 SU Greek; where Ganymede was abducted by Zeus disguised as an eagle. Dukug Sulcus 81,3N 352,7W 467,0 AS SU I1810 JG01 5 1985 1 SU Sumerian holy cosmic chamber of the gods. Elam Sulci 57,4N 205,5W 1866,0 AS BY I1499 JG04 5 1985 27 SU Ancient Babylonian seat of sun worship, in present-day Iran. Erech Sulcus 5,4S 175,7W 998,0 AS AB I1536 JG08 5 1985 27 SU Akkadian town that was built by Marduk. Harpagia Sulcus 14,9S 319,1W 1398,0 EU GR I1242 PRELIM 5 1985 1 SU Greek; where Ganymede was abducted an eagle. Hursag Sulcus 10,7S 234,5W 928,0 AS SU I1548 JG09 5 1985 27 SU Sumerian mountain where winds dwell. Kishar Sulcus 8,3S 218,7W 1213,0 AS AB I1242 PRELIM 5 1979 1 SU Assyro-Babylonian; terrestrial-world home of Lakhmu and Lakhamu. Lagash Sulcus 10,4S 162,8W 1407,0 AS BY I1536 JG08 5 1985 1 SU Early Babylonian town. Larsa Sulcus 4,0N 250,0W 1200,0 AS SU I2331 JG-9 5 2000 1 SU Sumerian town. Mashu Sulcus 31,1N 209,2W 3030,0 AS AB I1242 PRELIM 5 1979 22 SU Assyro-Babylonian; mountain with twin peaks where sun rose and set. Mysia Sulci 9,6S 28,6W 4221,0 EU GR I1242 PRELIM 5 1979 1 SU Greek; where Ganymede was abducted by an eagle. Nineveh Sulcus 26,0N 60,0W 1000,0 AS AB 5 1997 1 SU City where Ishtar was worshipped. Nippur Sulcus 40,9N 191,5W 2158,0 AS SU I1499 JG04 5 1985 27 SU Sumerian city. Nun Sulci 49,3N 318,8W 1090,0 AF EG I1242 PRELIM 5 1979 1 SU Egyptian; chaos; primordial ocean; held germ of all things. Philae Sulcus 68,5N 175,0W 900,0 AS AB JG-1 5 1997 1 SU Temple that was the chief sanctuary of Isis. Philus Sulcus 44,0N 212,0W 473,0 EU GR I1242 PRELIM 5 1979 1 SU Greek; where Ganymede and Hebe were worshipped as rain-givers. Phrygia Sulcus 12,4N 19,3W 3205,0 EU GR I1242 PRELIM 5 1979 1 SU Greek; kingdom in Asia Minor where Ganymede was born. Shuruppak 20,0S 232,0W 2800,0 AS AB I2331 JG-7 5 2000 1 SU Assyro-Babylonian town on Sulcus the banks of the Euphrates River where the gods planned the great flood. Sicyon Sulcus 36,5N 12,0W 1146,0 EU GR I1242 PRELIM 5 1979 1 SU Greek; where Ganymede and Hebe were worshipped as rain-givers. Sippar Sulcus 15,8S 191,0W 1539,0 AS AB I1536 JG08 5 1985 1 SU Ancient Babylonian town. Tiamat Sulcus 3,2N 209,2W 1310,0 AS AB I1242 PRELIM 5 1979 1 SU Assyro-Babylonian; tumultuous sea from which everything was generated. Umma Sulcus 5,0N 252,0W 1400,0 AS SU I2331 JG-9 5 2000 1 SU Sumerian town. Ur Sulcus 48,0N 179,0W 950,0 AS SU I2331 JG-3,4 5 1985 27 SU Ancient Sumerian seat of moon worship. Uruk Sulcus 8,4N 169,0W 2456,0 AS BY I1242 PRELIM 5 1979 1 SU Babylonian city ruled by Gilgamesh. Xibalba Sulcus 35,0N 80,0W 2000,0 SA MY 5 1997 137 SU Mayan "place of fright"; destination of those who escaped violent death.
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