Názvosloví Europa
Jméno Šířka Délka Průměr CT ET MAP QUAD AS AD REF FT Původ Adonis Linea 51,8S 113,2W 758,0 EU GR I1241 PRELIM 5 1979 19 LI Greek; son of Phoenix, nephew of Europa. Agave Linea 12,6N 273,0W 1250,0 EU GR 5 1997 1 LI Daughter of Harmonia and Cadmus. Agenor Linea 43,6S 208,2W 1326,0 EU GR I1241 PRELIM 5 1979 19 LI Greek; Europa's father. Alphesiboea 28,0S 182,6W 1642,0 EU GR I1493 JE03 5 1985 19 LI Son of Phoenix, nephew of Linea Europa. Androgeos Linea 12,8N 278,8W 645,0 EU GR 5 2000 27 LI Son of Minos in Greek mythology. Argiope Linea 8,2S 202,2W 934,0 EU GR I1241 PRELIM 5 1979 19 LI Greek; another name for Telephassa. Asterius Linea 17,7N 265,6W 2753,0 EU GR I1241 PRELIM 5 1979 19 LI Greek; Europa's husband after Zeus. Astypalaea 76,5S 220,3W 1030,0 EU GR 5 1997 1 LI Sister of Europa. Linea Autonoë Linea 17,0N 164,5W 1340,0 EU GR 5 2000 1 LI Daughter of Harmonia and Cadmus in Greek mythology. Belus Linea 11,8N 228,3W 2580,0 EU GR I1241 PRELIM 5 1979 19 LI Greek; Agenor's twin brother. Cadmus Linea 27,8N 173,1W 1212,0 EU GR I1241 PRELIM 5 1979 19 LI Greek; brother of Europa. Chthonius Linea 0,1N 311,3W 1850,0 EU GR 5 1997 19 LI Survivor of the men Cadmus sowed with dragon's teeth, a founder of Thebes. Echion Linea 13,1S 184,3W 1217,0 EU GR I1493 JE03 5 1985 19 LI Survivor of the men Cadmus sowed with the dragon's teeth; a founder of Thebes. Harmonia Linea 27,0N 168,0W 925,0 EU GR 5 1997 1 LI Wife of Cadmus. Hyperenor Linea 3,1S 314,7W 2200,0 EU GR 5 1997 19 LI Survivor of the men Cadmus sowed with dragon's teeth, a founder of Thebes. Ino Linea 5,0S 163,0W 1400,0 EU GR 5 1997 1 LI Daughter of Harmonia and Cadmus. Katreus Linea 39,5S 215,5W 245,0 EU GR 5 2000 19 LI Son of Minos in Greek mythology. Libya Linea 56,2S 183,3W 452,0 EU GR I1241 PRELIM 5 1979 19 LI Greek; Agenor's mother. Minos Linea 45,3N 195,7W 2134,0 EU GR I1241 PRELIM 5 1979 19 LI Greek; son of Europa and Zeus. Onga Linea 38,8S 209,6W 806,0 EU GR 5 2000 19 LI Phoenician name for Athene. Pelagon Linea 34,0N 170,0W 800,0 EU GR 5 1997 19 LI King who sold Cadmus the cow with a white full moon on each flank. Pelorus Linea 17,1S 175,9W 1770,0 EU GR I1241 PRELIM 5 1979 19 LI Greek; survivor of the men Cadmus sowed with the dragon's teeth; a founder of Thebes. Phineus Linea 33,0S 269,2W 1984,0 EU GR I1241 PRELIM 5 1979 19 LI Greek; brother of Europa. Phoenix Linea 14,5N 184,7W 732,0 EU GR I1493 JE03 5 1985 19 LI Brother of Europa. Rhadamanthys 18,5N 200,8W 1780,0 EU GR I1493 JE03 5 1985 19 LI Son of Europa and Zeus. Linea Sarpedon Linea 42,2S 89,4W 940,0 EU GR I1241 PRELIM 5 1979 19 LI Greek; son of Europa and Zeus. Tectamus Linea 17,9N 181,9W 719,0 EU GR I1493 JE03 5 1985 19 LI Father of Asterius. Telephassa 2,8S 178,8W 800,0 EU GR I1493 JE03 5 1985 19 LI Europa's mother. Linea Thasus Linea 68,7S 187,4W 1027,0 EU GR I1241 PRELIM 5 1979 19 LI Greek; brother of Europa. Thynia Linea 57,9S 148,6W 398,0 EU GR I1499 JE04 5 1985 19 LI Peninsula between Black and Marmara Seas, where Phineus sought Europa.
* * * Zrcadleno ze stránek astronomia.zcu.cz/planety/jupiter/897-nazvoslovi-europa * * *
Vytištěno ze stránky projektu Planety (planety.astro.cz/jupiter/897-nazvoslovi-europa)